产品介绍: WZ 201 Salinity The model with high resolution scale of 1‰ was developed for concentration use.It can be used to measure the low concentration of salt in sea in sea water and prepared food solution and check salt content WZ 211 Salinity/ATC This model has a built-in automatic temperature compensation system. Compensation temperature range 10℃~30℃ WZ 203 0~10%Brix/0~100‰ Salinity The model were developed for most general purpose work. these can measure Brix content and sale content. Measuring range:0~10% Brix / 0~100‰ Salinity Minimum Scale:0.2% / 1‰ WZ 201 含盐量 这种型号盐度计具有很高的分辨率,达1‰。是被用来测量海水中的含盐量和加工食品过程溶液中的低盐浓度。还可以用来检测盐场。 测量:0~100% 最小刻度值:1‰ WZ 211 含盐量/温补 这种型号同WZ201,只是内部装配了自动温度补偿系统. 温度补偿范围:10℃~30℃ WZ 203 0~10% 含糖量 / 0~100‰ 含盐量 这种型号可分别测量低糖溶液和低盐溶液。并且有高分辨率的刻度值。 测量范围:0~10%含糖量 / 0~100‰含盐量 最小刻度值:0.2%/ 1%