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您现在的位置:首页-->常用仪器-->电动搅拌器-->SG-3036 Type 6 combined electric mixer
品    牌: 
购买热线:021-65682142、65683854、65688364    服务热线:shuoguangdianzi@126.com
货号 名称 规格 备注 市场价 现在销售价 是否现货 购买
c0039904 SG-3036 Type 6 combined electric mixer 0-1200 r / min (simultaneous) 0-3000 r / min (asynchronous) Speed without digital display functions 140W (synchronous) 6 × 30W (asynchronous) 5580.00 4600.00 现货
c0039905 SG-3036-S Type 6 combined electric mixer 0-1200 r / min (simultaneous) 0-3000 r / min (asynchronous) Speed digital, direct and reliable 140W (synchronous) 6 × 30W (asynchronous) 8580.00 7200.00 现货

Product Type

power source

Motor Power

Speed range

Timing range


50HZ 、 220V+10%

140W (synchronous) 6 × 30W (asynchronous)

0-1200 r / min (simultaneous) 0-3000 r / min (asynchronous) Speed without digital display functions

0-120 min


50HZ 、 220V+10%

140W (synchronous)6 × 30W (asynchronous)

0-1200 r / min (simultaneous) 0-3000 r / min (asynchronous) Speed digital, direct and reliable

0-120 min


Products Introduction:
SG-3036 Combined electric mixer with mechanical timer, with increased power capabilities, speed and stability, continuously adjustable, noise, six motor agitation, automatically lifting;SG-3036A-S-type with a speed of digital features, intuitive reading reliable, convenient and precise control of mixing conditions;Clock cycle time setting; bottom seat belt light .According to the experimental requirements can be different speeds, and is equipped with lighting. Stirring rod made of stainless steel, increased corrosion resistance,Stirring rod made of stainless steel, increased corrosion resistance.Powerful mixer for high viscosity samples.

The company combines domestic and foreign similar products and user experience,Carefully design and development of a new generation mixer products,Compared with similar products with higher quality advantage:
1.Independent operation mode and asynchronous operation modes: 6 stirring rods were running their own program, that blender can run 6 group can run the same program 6 different programs.
2.Stirring shaft with accurate and reliable high-quality motor drive, speed and high accuracy, speed through the reliable control, no accumulation of error.
3.Stirring bar automatic lifting system enables the process of mixing bodies by mixing programmed to do a small lift to achieve the best mixing effect.
4.Beaker base, lower cabinet with lighting, to observe the mixing effect.
5.Stirring rod and stirring blades made of stainless steel, corrosion-resistant, rod length and leaf size of scientific and rational, static and dynamic under the direction of the blade is always consistent, so that  guaranteed mixing effects.
6.Reasonable lift system design, to avoid stirring rod and the blade in the upgrading process of decline and mixing of the liquid quality of lubricating oil.
7.Optimized chassis design using the golden section theory, mechanical drive closed on cabinets, compact structure, elegant appearance.
8.Load can be more than 10,000 hours continuous operation

购买热线:021-65682142、65683854、65688364    服务热线:shuoguangdianzi@126.com 产品编号:p0016104
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